About DCF

Drive Change Foundation (DCF) is a non-profit organization that supports vulnerable children (orphans & the poor) and empowers the women and youth in Tanzania Mainland.

We support vulnerable children with education and basic needs through our school program. We also pioneer community projects to empower the youth and women with income-generating skills

We believe that World Change starts with Educated Children, and Empowered Women & Youth

It all began in 2018, an initiative by our founder, Mr. Peter Valentine.


“My name is Peter Valentine, and I’m the founder of the Drive Change Foundation Project. It all began in 2018.

I started by going through poor villages looking for orphans and children from poor families who couldn’t afford school.

In one village, I found a family of six kids and a single mom who had no place to sleep. Their house was leaking and broken. They had no food, no clothes, and no money for school. It broke my heart…

I decided to take the children with me to the Arumeru District Education Officer (DEO) where I was very well received. After explaining the family’s situation and my desire to help, he advised me to enroll the young children in Ambureni Primary School.

As one child was beyond school-age, the DEO advised me to send him to a training institute where he could learn some income-generating skills. He would also take evening classes to learn how to read and write.

I first sent the five school-aged children to school in plain clothes, and a week later I worked hard to get them some school uniforms. 

After 5 months of seeking donors, I was fortunate to get donors from Turkey. The donors requested that I open an account for the children to receive funding. I opened the account with no problem. And now the children are currently attending an International Boarding School in Arusha through the scholarship. It was a dream come true!

five children in uniform

I was inspired to help more children. And in the third month of 2020, I registered a non-governmental organization (NGO) called Drive Change Foundation.

The NGO aims to not only support the orphans and poor children but also to empower the youths and women living in poor villages with small business skills.

We now have more than 60 children depending on DCF. They attend our Nursery school and daycare located in Ambureni.

Some are orphans, while others are kids from poor single-mother families. The orphans live with us at DCF, while those with parents go home every day.

We intend to educate even more kids in the coming years. DCF believes that children must get educated, as they are the parents to the next generation.

In only 4 years, we have welcomed over a hundred children. We need your support to continue building new classrooms, and new dormitories, to welcome more and more children in need, and also to cover the daily expenses (food, clothes, medicine, …)

We would be very grateful if you could help us, any help is precious, no matter how small.

– Peter Valentine, DCF Founder & Director.

Learn more about DCF